
Lifetime Networks began in 1998, created by five caring families seeking to secure a bright future for their children with developmental disabilities. They asked: “What will happen to my child when I am no longer here?” Friendships are essential for a fulfilling life; however making friends can be challenging, sometimes feeling nearly impossible. That's why we create Personal Support Networks, building and nurturing lasting, genuine, unpaid relationships.

Beyond these networks, we offer a variety of supportive programs, including continuing education, employment support, community inclusion, fine arts, social cooking, evening socials, Dynamic Duos, and Best Buddies. Our agency is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive space for everyone in the Lifetime family. We embrace diversity and welcome individuals of all abilities, races, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, religions, genders, and sexual orientations. We are here to support your unique needs and make any accommodations necessary.

Lifetime Networks is open to everyone, without a referral process. We listen to your needs and tailor our support just for you.

Wendy Sue, Executive Director at Lifetime Networks, smiling in professional attire

Message from Our Executive Director

As a parent of an adult with a developmental disability, I know first-hand many of the joys and concerns shared with other parents of children with disabilities. That is why I am so committed to the networks, both formal and informal, that are established through the services of Lifetime Networks. I feel hope and confidence my son will continue to enjoy the lifelong friendships and support he deserves.

It is wonderful to work in a place with such energy and joy where we know that, daily, folks are more connected and less lonely because of Lifetime Networks. Being part of this family, developing friendships, and sharing in the fun and the work is a privilege I am thankful for.

-Wendy-Sue Andrew

Two friends laughing together

Our History

Lifetime Networks began in 1998, founded by a group of dedicated parents who wanted to secure a bright future for their children with disabilities. They envisioned creating Personal Support Networks—unpaid and deeply meaningful friendships. It’s incredible what a shared, passionate goal can achieve. These parents sought out committed individuals willing to become friends with their children, creating lasting, supportive relationships.

Today, we have achieved the founding families' primary goal, establishing Networks that significantly impact the lives of people with disabilities. Over the years, we have expanded our programs to include Fine Arts in 2005; Best Buddies, Social Groups, and Independent Living in 2008; GAP in 2009; Continuing Education, Respite, and Community Inclusion in 2011; Employment Support Services in 2012; Dynamic Duos and Summer Inclusion Service in 2020; and LIFE-Based in 2021. Our services have gained strong community support, allowing us to reach more families and individuals, fostering relationships and a sense of belonging.

Our mission remains unchanged: to increase the number of meaningful relationships in the lives of people with disabilities.

Thanks to everyone involved's persistence, determination, love, and commitment, Lifetime Networks is an organization we are incredibly proud of, making a real difference in our community.

  • “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

    -Margaret Mead


We foster friendship and support networks for people with diversabilities to enhance community.


Lifetime Networks values and demonstrates:

  • Person rather than program-centred planning

  • Commitment to maintaining Networks for the lifetime of the person being supported

  • Accessibility to services with no eligibility restrictions

  • Respectfulness through recognition and celebration of the inherent worth and autonomy of each person

  • Financial responsibility by working diligently to keep services and supports cost-effective and affordable

  • Belief in the importance of unpaid relationships

  • Community inclusion, participation and engagement

  • Intentional and purposeful growth

  • Autonomy from funding streams which could compromise our ability to advocate


We see a future where all people enjoy safe, happy, fulfilling lives.

Staff & Board of Directors

At Lifetime Networks, we are fortunate to employ over 160 staff members. Together, our staff contribute their hard work and dedication to support Lifetime Networks’ mission to foster networks of friendship and support for people with diversabilities to enhance community.

Please review the list below for contact information for our different teams.

  • Executive Director – Wendy-Sue Andrew – Wendy-Sue@Lnv.ca

    Executive Finance Director – Carlene Thompson – Carlene@Lnv.ca

  • Being a Citizen/PODS/Inclusion Works!/Employment/Theatre/L.I.F.E.-Based/Sessionals/My Circle of Friends – Nicole Baker – Nicole.Baker@Lnv.ca

    Community Engagement/Networks/MCN/H.O.P.E. Project – Melissa MacDonald – Melissa.MacDonald@Lnv.ca

    Community Engagement/Summer Inclusion Service/Respite – Dylan Williams – Dylan@Lnv.ca

    Best Buddies/Dynamic Duos – Julie Mason – Julie@Lnv.ca

  • Human Resources Director – Julie Mason – Julie@Lnv.ca

    Human Resources Facilitator – Kerry Walsh – Kerry@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

    Program Coordinator – Thom McMahon – Thom@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Lahna Lampson – Lanha@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Lyndsey Wheat – Lyndsey@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Brittney Coles-Webb – Brittney@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Navneet Kahlon – Navneet@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Chery Angelica – Chery@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Nicole Baker – Nicole.baker@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Wes Borg – Wes@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Cyllene Richmond – Cyllene@Lnv.ca

    Instructor – Lahna Lampson – Lahna@Lnv.ca

  • Program Facilitator – Easton Roy – BestBuddies@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

    Coordinator – Jessie Berg – Jessie@Lnv.ca

    Coordinator – Laura Austin – Laura@Lnv.ca

    Coordinator – Thom McMahon – Thom@Lnv.ca

    Coordinator – Hannele Kafarowski-Payne – Hannele@Lnv.ca

    Facilitator – Melanie Funk – Melanie@Lnv.ca

  • Executive Finance Director – Carlene Thompson – Carlene@Lnv.ca

  • Coordinator – Emily Mayberry – volunteer@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Maria Valderrama – Maria@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

    IW! Coordinator –  Thom McMahon – Thom@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

    Program Facilitator – Tessa Pinchbeck – Tessa@Lnv.ca

  • Program Director – Melissa MacDonald – Melissa.MacDonald@Lnv.ca

    Networks Coordinator – Martina Wanders-Struchtrup – Martina@Lnv.ca

  • Administrative Coordinator – Tasia Schwarze Moddle – Tasia@Lnv.ca

    Administrative Coordinator – Gwen Arriola – Gwen@Lnv.ca

    Administrative Assistant - Arshis Mehta - Arshis@Lnv.ca

    General inquiries can be sent to Arshis@Lnv.ca or info@Lnv.ca

  • Executive Finance Director – Carlene Thompson – Payroll@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager –  Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

    Program Coordinator – Thom McMahon – Thom@Lnv.ca

  • H.O.P.E Program Coordinator – Kim Davidson – Kim@Lnv.ca

    My Circle of Friends Project / ARC Coordinator – Rachel Knoop – Rachel@Lnv.ca

  • Program Coordinator – Thom McMahon – Thom@Lnv.ca

  • Program Manager – Mike Mackereth – Mike@Lnv.ca

    Registrations – Administrative Coordinator – Tasia Schwarze Moddle – Tasia@Lnv.ca

  • Program Director – Dylan Williams – Dylan@Lnv.ca

  • Coordinator – Emily Mayberry – Volunteer@Lnv.ca

  • President – John Ouilette

    Past President – Nicholas Lapointe

    Treasurer – Roger Palmer

    Board Member – Janet Danielson

    Board Member – Marie Watmough

    Board Member – Douglas Nutting

    Board Member – Emilie Longtin