Our main office is located at 2553 Quadra St, Victoria BC, V8T 4E1.

Lifetime Friendships… Lifetime Supports… Lifetime Networks.

At Lifetime Networks, we understand the importance of relationships. We listen and meet you where you are at. We aim to work with you to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be. We build Networks of Friends, provide Continuing Education, Community Engagement Support, Employment Preparation, Job Search, ‘on the job’ support and more… all within inclusive, safe, welcoming settings. Please give us a call to discuss how we can work together for you.

Registered Charity # 87366 0625

Lifetime Networks turns 25!

You can support Lifetime Networks!

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Fundraise Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

Lifetime Networks Gala/Auction 2022

Our Sponsors